January 25, 2015

D&C 4

this week was amazing, of course! a few crazy experiences as usual, i mean, we are in Rose Park! But it was a pretty chill week. Monday president was running super late in interviews, so we had to reschedule and we'll have them this Wednesday.LEADERSHIP PROBS ;P haha but pday was really chill, and it was raining and hailing and slushing- crazy utah weather :)

This week our days have definitely been getting a lot busier, and this next week is going to be psychotic crazy busy- we're scrambling to find time to teach everyone AND trying to find new people to teach- but wait, there's more! :P 

M* and R* are doing well, its just super hard because they have very LEGIT reasons to cancel and miss church, like a thrown out back, or throwing up. but we know its just the adversary!! But m* was able to come to a baptism this last saturday which was really good, because the spirit was so strong and at the beginning she said, "i'm glad i came because now i KNOW this is what i want to do" Miracles, ladies and gentlemen :)

Tuesday we had a really good leadership meeting with Elder Katcher of the 70 there (he talked in last conference) and he talked about Faith, Diligence, and Obedience. he and president Hansen are really good friends, perks of having your mission president be a emeritus member of the 70 (not sure i spelled that right...) but it was a good meeting! the mission is progressing and changing so much, i feel so blessed to be here :) and transfers are in 1 WEEK!! O.o crazy...

 Wed was the first day in a REALLY long time we didn't have any set appointments, but we did end up teaching m*- so here's what happened with her: on exchanges on saturday, i was gone last saturday) and i came back and sister pearson told me that she had basically dropped us, which was heart wrenching. we gave it a few days and stopped by one night, she looked happy to see us! the next day, G* AND Sister M* both called us saying that M* wanted to apologize and was just saying "forgive me!" so we had a lesson and she said since that day she wasn't happy and didn't have the spirit, and wa just down- so she's still on track for being baptized this saturday! YAYAYAY!! it was close, because she called Sunday morning and said she was sick (well, her translator...) but we weren't going to give  up that easy! we called the new WML in the 1st ward and he was able to come over with another member and give her a blessing and she came to church and then that night we reviewed the baptismal questions and she passed! so new we just have to finish teaching everything, have the actual interview, and figure out how to get her, her 1 year old, and her 94 year old aunt to the stake center on saturday for the baptism!! :D MISSIONARY PROBS. 

Wed night for mutual, one of the wards (2nd) went to temple square and we watched the "Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration" movie, and J*, our investigator came too. it was so good, i love watching that movie because you really can't deny the spirit when you do. its incredible :) and there was at least one youth who i KNOW got their testimony of the prophet that night, and it really helped j* too, He even asked some questions! :D

Thursday i got to have sister Fernandez with me on exchanges, and it was a SUPER busy day- and our WML hadn't set us up a dinner- so we ended up coming in, scrounging up whatever was around, and voila! Delicious veggie fried rice :P haha but we ahd a good time, she is a great sister and seems like she's been out longer (maybe cause she's a little older) but she's actually only been out 6 weeks longer than me! 

Saturday we were able to eat breakfast with bishop starr and his family and then go on visits with him. I'm so grateful for good ward leadership and members who are dedicated to the gospel and their callings, just serving others! it helps me see what to do and what not to do when i have callings and when i'm a member in a ward :)

Also, crazy! so the sister that went to the hospital for the concussion? she's fine- but her companion had to go to the hospital yesterday because they got out of church and sister avery said, "i can't feel my legs, or my arm or half of my face". she was completely numb by the time they got to the hospital. she's fine now, but she has to go see a neurologist, it was something about a migrane. weird, but she's good now! LEADERSHIP PROBS :P but we love our sisters and love seeing them grow and progress into even more incredible missionaries. our zone and mission has improved SOO much in just the last 6 months from what i've been able to see, it still has a ways to go, but its not so much leaps and bounds anymore, but normal walking :) 

The reason i titled my letter D&C 4, is because we had a stake youth fireside yesterday to kickoff the theme and to get the youth more involved in missionary work, and since it was partly our idea (the format anyway) we were asked to take a few minutes and speak. we just bore testimony about the blessings that come from living and sharing the gospel, because its so true! Matthew 5 is one of my favorite chapters too, about salt and light- read it :) and watch this video:

its good, and i love the music! :) but more the message. 

hope you all have a great week, keep the faith, and embark in the service of God- go out and share the good news! :)


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