April 13, 2015

Conference Miracles :)

This has been a good week in many ways and rough in others, but it ended brilliantly. 
Just to start off, i want everyone reading this to know that i have an UNDENIABLE testimony of the truthfulness of this gospel. Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer and we have a living Prophet and Apostles today who speak for the Lord. 
OK. so monday was a pretty chill pday, we basically had no time to do anything but hardly got anything accomplished. Missionary Life. We had a really good lesson with R* and D*and confirmed that they'd be able to come to conference with us on Sunday. We were super pumped! we had a few other things planned but they fell through. The next day we had Exchange #5 (it was a bit rough...) and i was just exhausted. 
We had lots of service we were able to do this week- cleaning out gross fridges, moving wood, moving stuff into a dumpster, getting dirty in pants- the BEST! :D
HILARIOUS. as we drive along one of the streets in our area we always see people walking along the sidewalk and joke saying, "look, president and sister Uchtdorf"- because apparently they walk along there all the time (they live super close). Well, as we're driving down, "look, president and sister... UCHTDORF?!" it was actually them- it was so funny, we were busting out laughing. Its different to see them looking like normal people and then the same week see them as their amazing selves speaking and testifying in conference as Apostles.
There is a sister in the zone who is really struggling right now and she had a bit of a meltdown one morning and just needed someone to talk to. she's felt like she's not doing enough as a missionary and not doing good enough- and i've definitely had those times in my mission as well. but we testified that the Lord is pleased with the work she is doing and that it won't be that bad forever (the area she is in is pretty terrible to her- people are mean, WML's yell at them, and no one respects sisters). Later this week on exchanges, she had a moment where everything just broke loose and she was on the verge of giving up and going home. She got another blessing, and it was ABSOLUTELY incredible. One of the zone leaders gave it and it was practically like a Patriarchal blessing. We were all exhausted after and she was feeling a bit better- so we went and got a bit of frozen custard :) yum!!
I got to go on exchanges this week with sister Tranchina, who was my roomate the whole time i was in Rose Park, she is the sweetest and most wonderful missionary ever and is from Spain, served in the Madrid mission for a few months before coming out (visa waiting). 
Watching conference this weekend was amazing. I learned and was reminded of so much and there's a lot i need to change, but i think a lot i;m doing right too (or at least ideas i have that are on track) :) oh, remember before the sat pm session there was a story on a chef for the "Thyme and Seasons" restaurant? ya, thats in my area (like, right down the street). MISSION CONNECTIONS! :P hahaha
Saturday morning we got to watch the first session at the Beesleys in our ward (he's our High Councillor) and something incredible happened. I may have mentioned a few months ago, president hansen was saying goodbye to us and a sister in our zone (sister Lwin) asked if he would pray in the temple for Thailand to get a temple- she's not from Thailand, but it would be the closest possible place to get one. We were almost all crying. And we did- we prayed for Sister Lwin and her people to get a temple and i'm sure President did as well in the temple. She also happened to be translating Conference for her country, and got to tell them herself that they would be getting a temple in Thailand. I cried, and the spirit testified to me of the power of prayer and how important temples are. they will still be about 15 hours away (802 miles) but its an incredible miracle. 
We took R* and D* to conference and they loved it! closer to getting answers, and i'm so grateful that we're able to teach them, they are really starting to progress well. 
R*'s quote of the day: "if i were a hobo, i would dress really nice and go around saying 'Sleepover at your house!'" haha it was hilarious! they are super funny, and we're hoping to take them to temple square this week! :) pray that they get an answer soon- there's definitely stuff they still need to do though. 
Oh, also our miracle investigator from last week is doing pretty well, we had another lesson with her this week and it was great! she's praying for a date, specifically May 2 :)
Keep on keepin on, go out and be the answer to someones prayer, and No Empty Chairs :)
2 Nephi 31:20, Moroni 10:32, Ether 12:27, and Helaman 5:12 were quoted tons in conference... Gods way at hinting a few things ;) 
Have a great week, enjoy the beautiful weather (hopefully you get some rain there, i miss it here!)
Sister Johnson
p.s. i'll email pics in a bit, my computer is being dumb...
:) ♥ ♫ 

April 12, 2015

Breaking News: Crazy Possessed Psycho Bee Attacks Sister Missionary??!!

Letter Dated 3/30/2015

yup. Ok, this was all in all a pretty good week- of course, has its usual up's and downs where we wanted to kill some people... but we saw TONS of miracles :) But of course, i'll start from the top:

So, it was our Investigator D*'s Birthday (the one from Zimbabwe) and so we decided to give him a dollar store birthday- we made a floppy hat covered in fake flowers, butterflies, and birds. it was awesome. and we got him reeses eggs and fake mustaches. it was a legit birthday :) 

We went on two exchanges this week, and one was great- we went out and contacted a BUNCH of referrals and worked hard and walked up Bountiful's hills all day long. it was awesome, and we saw the results! The other exchanges, we were either inside "updating" or on computers "updating" basically all day- and thats not how you find others and help them come unto Christ. Its definitely an important aspect, but you DONT need to spend that much time on it. ANYWAYS... 

Wednesday was our temple day- absolutely amazing!! Got up super early (5:30) and was all ready and set to go... and when we get there, i forgot my temple recommend. So we had to go back and go to a later session with the other district, but it was so peaceful and wonderful and i was so happy to be there. Seriously, AMAZING. Went to a fun Relief Society Party (Sister Bednar and Uchtdorf were there) and had yummy Cafe Rio food. Heads up: we have been severly overfed this week- we had chocolate cake TWICE that day. It was delicious... and at the same time i almost felt sick. 

Saw Jenni Davis this week too (so sweet!) on exchanges- thanks for the chocolate- you rock! :P hahaha she's absolutely hilarious. 

So we get out of District Meeting (one in Farmington) and our training was awesome but in general the missionaries weren't super respectful, which is annoying... but as we're walking out to the car, a crazy possessed psycho bee BEELINES (literally) across the parking lot towards the car and heads straight for Sister Hamblin. She screams and it comes at her like 3 times before finally stinging her right in the ear. The stinger was huge... i hope that Bee is DEAD. She was in so much pain and almost said some very choice words. It was throbbing all day and she  had a headache for at least 24 hours after that. 

Okaaayyy. Saturday was a LITERALLY crazy day. We spent comp study with some sisters who are having struggles in their areas trying to help them out. it was fun, we love them so much :) Then we did a bit up updating, had a working lunch with the Zone Leadership (found out about another baptism that just happened in my old area that was someone we'd tried to teach!) After that we had service that we went to do... and i've done some really gross things, but it was really bad cleaning. not gonna say more, except we were close to puking. After that we had power hour with the same sisters from earlier (Hay and Holbrook) and then went to Womens Conference together, because it was Sister Holbrook and my last one. Also took sister Brittney Brunner, who just got back from the Alabama Birmingham mission :) and Womens Conference was awesome! some of my favorite things were when they were talking about being defenders, or as we say here, "defendresses" :) and i love the quote "you cannot remember God and forget mother, and you cannot forget God and remember mother". Its SO TRUE! Another HUGE theme was fulfilling and keeping your baptismal covenants, which i loved. Go back and read Mosiah ch. 18, love it! Then we ate dinner at Village Inn, and died. we were exhausted.

Fast sunday. Literally a CRAZY AWESOME day except for one part. I shall expound. 
So, we're sitting in Gospel Doctrine Class and Sister Hamblin taps me. i look over and on her planner she's writing "Tad R. Callister is in here!" I look over and he's basically sitting right next to me and a row back. I was freaking out on the inside and he actually talked to us afterwards- it was awesome! We taught a YW class about the atonement

watch it, its awesome :) anyways, after that we had our first dinner of the night, which included some non member koreans and their adorable 3 month old baby. We were stuffed and the food was delicious. Then we drove to our next dinner, which was a heavy lasagna dinner with salad, bread, veggies, the usual. I was literally going to throw up, my stomach hurt so bad it hurt to stand, breath, anything. Right when we left dinner, we got a txt- a former investigator was ready to take the lessons and be baptized!! Sister Hamblin was FREAKING out, and i would've been more excited if i wasn't going to barf... so we went right over and set up an appt and shared a message. Then, our high-councilman in NSL txted us and said he invited his neighbors to take the lessons again and they agreed! Miracle after MIRACLE!! THEEEENNN... i get a txt from the AP's and Moroni Tovars (from Lakepoint!) is finally getting baptized Tuesday night, i have to figure out how to get there! Man, Heavenly Father is pouring out blessings, and we just kept saying "what is going on?" blessings for working hard in ALL aspects of missionary work and diligence, including leadership responsibilities. I love this gospel and can't wait for General Conference and Easter this week! ALSO: if you  haven't already, go to:
watch the video, share it with everyone, its amazing and the message is so simple, pure, and true! Have a great week, remember the real meaning of Easter and that the Savior really is here. 

Love YA! :) 


PICS: Exchanges, womens conference, temple day, little loafs of bread, so legit :)